Clarity in communication to the general public
On October 13, 2010, President Obama signed the Plain Writing Act of 2010, a law that requires US federal agencies to use “clear Government communication the public can understand and use.”
This was followed up by a new Executive Order on January 18, 2011: “E.O. 13563 – Improving Regulation and Regulatory Review”, which states the regulatory system in the United States “must ensure regulations are accessible, consistent, written in plain language, and easy to understand.”
Plain Writing Guidelines were established that include style and grammar rules to encourage Plain English writing, please download a copy here.
How can you ensure these rules are being met?
HyperSTE covers all the writing rules and provides real-time feedback to guide the writer to create content that meets the Plain English writing rules, and consequently the Plain Writing Act. Furthermore, HyperSTE speeds up the authoring process, and provides management metrics and reports to help you make the implementation process of Plain Language writing a smooth one.
For more information, please contact us today.